This was a very enjoyable module. On the maths side it provided a gentle introduction into algebra, indices, notation and interpreting graphs and was well supported by tutorials. Engineering concepts were well explained and easy to follow.
My tutor was very good and responded quickly to any queries. To achieve good marks in the tutor-marked assignments you need to cover all of the material, but it is possible to score well. The interactive computer-marked assessments allowed for multiple attempts which meant that you can review and go back to improve scores if needed. Provided adequate time is given to studies then anybody with a reasonable high school education and a science interest can do well.
In all, it covers fairly varied content and encourages creative thinking. I am not taking an engineering route but the module has teased my interest in engineering.
Highly recommended.
Course starting: April 2020
Review posted: January 2021
A very enjoyable module. Broad concepts and ideas in engineering, electronics and design were covered as well as enough maths to get me started on my OU journey. It helped me to develop skills in mathematical notation and writing in Word, drawing skills, model building as well as research and short report writing. I did this as part of the BSc (Hons) Combined STEM (R28) and highly recommend it for general understanding of modern engineering and first principles.
Justin Coleman
Course starting: October 2017
Review posted: March 2019
Each of the views expressed above is an individual's very particular response, largely unedited, and should be viewed with that in mind. Since modules are subject to regular updating, some of the issues identified may have already been addressed. In some instances the faculty may have provided a response to a comment. If you have a query about a particular module, please contact your Regional Centre.
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