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Populations of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris) in gardens

Your name
Email address
1. Location (your nearest town)
2. Location (county)
3. Year fritillaries were planted
4. Number of fritillary plants planted, give an approximate number if known
5. Number of plants currently
6. Size of area with fritillaries (square metres)
7. Distance to trees (metres)
8. Percentage of the fritillary plants under trees (select 0 if they are all in the open)
9. If you have fritillary plants under trees and in the open which started flowering earlier
10. If you have fritillary plants under trees and in the open how many weeks earlier or later are those under trees
11. Main tree species above the fritillaries (leave blank if fritillaries are in the open)
12. Ground cover in fritillary area. Just select the main groundcover at the time the fritillaries are flowering
13. Percentage of plants with more than 1 stem very close to each other (within 2cm of each other)
14. Percentage of the population in dense groups within 5-20cm of each other
15. Percentage of the population with white flowers
16. Percentage of the population with 2-flowered plants (these may be quite rare)
17. Soil type
18. Do the fritillary plants successfully produce pods
19. How wet is the soil in the fritillary area
20. Distance from open water to the fritillary area
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your fritillary population?
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