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Student and tutor module reviews

An introduction to business and management

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  • Points: 60
  • Code: B100
  • Level: 1
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Student reviews

A great introduction to business and management which teaches you key skills for effective business writing.

Course starting: October 2022

Review posted: May 2024

This module was a very interesting one to study and the tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) were easy to understand and all module material prepares your well to complete the TMA comfortably. The tutor was very helpful and was prompt with responses to my questions. Overall a great module to study would recommend for people who want to start learning about business management.

Course starting: October 2022

Review posted: February 2024

A very enjoyable and worthwhile module to study for anybody starting a business degree or for those looking to have a broader understanding of business in general.

The content was interesting and the materials provided complimented the module very well. The module website was easy to navigate and laid a clear path for completion of study.

As the module covers a wide range of topics it allowed me to challenge my preconceived ideas about business studies. I started the module convinced that I would not enjoy accounting and I ended the module by enrolling on the Fundamentals of Accounting (B124) with plans to start a career as an accountant. This was mainly due to how the topic was presented with emphasis on its importance but also due to how interesting the readings and tutorials made the subject.

Lastly, I feel the workload was justified and the number of Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) was about right. As the content of each TMA is known before the start of the relevant study block I found it easy to find exactly which sections relate to the questions and therefore where to focus more of my attention. I found this helped me to reduce my workload as I was able to answer my assignment questions as I studied rather than at the end of each block.

Overall, I highly recommend this module.

David Woodward

Course starting: October 2019

Review posted: December 2020

I found the sessions really helpful especially the sessions dedicated to tutor-marked assignments. If you are starting this module, I would strongly recommend it.

Moreover during the module, we would receive feedback regarding our tutor-marked assignments from our tutors. I found my feedback to be very clear with plenty of guidance to help me improve. As a result, I was able to get high marks.

Overall it's a good module.

Course starting: February 2020

Review posted: December 2020

I enjoyed the module very much, it compiled a good range of information on business for people starting off. The module context was set up well and kept me interested throughout.

I do feel it was a very good start to understanding business and sets you up for further studies.

I would recommend.

Course starting: October 2019

Review posted: August 2020

I enjoyed this module and I learned a lot to take forward to Shaping Business Operators (B207).

It can be a bit tedious at times but overall and enjoyable and insightful module.

Course starting: October 2018

Review posted: June 2020

A very worthwhile module to start a business qualification with. What I liked about it was that it encourages you to view issues from all angles before coming to a conclusion.

Personally I think it is best to do this as your only module if working full time and studying part time, but that may just be me.

Jack Davidson

Course starting: February 2018

Review posted: December 2018

This course provides the right amount of information for an OU level 1 introduction module. The course is well structured and diverse, providing a broad range of areas within the business world. Based on this module, you can see where your strengths lie after completing your tutor-marked assessments (TMAs) and can confidently choose a degree pathway if you so wish. The module websites and study guides
(books) are clearly laid out and provide opportunities to practice your understanding of each section. This module is quite full on and requires a lot of study time in order to fully excel at the TMAs. I would recommend taking this as a single module if you are part time rather than choosing more than one, especially if you haven't studied in a long time.

Claire Louise Smith

Course starting: October 2017

Review posted: October 2018

I found this course a great overall introduction into the world of Business and Management. The amount of reading required for this course is manageable, stay on track with the study planner and you will be fine.

The assignments consisted of tutor group work and case studies which I found to be enjoyable. Topics I thought I would love - I disliked. I have a new found interest for business ethics now!

If you are interested in Business and Management and are unsure of which route to go down this covers all of them!

Course starting: October 2017

Review posted: September 2018

Please note

Each of the views expressed above is an individual's very particular response, largely unedited, and should be viewed with that in mind. Since modules are subject to regular updating, some of the issues identified may have already been addressed. In some instances the faculty may have provided a response to a comment. If you have a query about a particular module, please contact your Regional Centre.

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