I have fully enjoyed all the modules I have been studying. The knowledge I have gained is tremendous. Learning how the different structures and framework of the law works is very important.
The different divisions of the courts, starting from the Magistrates', the High Courts, The Crown Courts, The Courts of Appeal, The Supreme Court and the Queen's Bench, and the House of Lords. It was surprising to know how the law is divided into different parts such as Common Law, Criminal Law, Civil and Tort Law, International Law and Family Law. Have greatly increased my knowledge in Law System.
I learnt the Rule of Law is a durable system which is always present to guide and direct the Courts and Parliament and the Judiciary in all of the Law, to maintain peace, Human Rights, Justice and Harmony for all subjects of the land.
The module which I studied in the year just gone October 2023-October 2024 was Civil and Tort law which I found most challenging. I did not agree with the way the UK Tort Law works in the UK which is different to the United States and New Zealand. The UK courts try to find all manner of discrepancies to stop a Claimant from winning their case. Whereas, in New Zealand, there is a no-fault compensation workers' scheme to compensate workers when things go wrong. The United States allow for inflicting damages to be awarded in most jurisdictions. It was hard work. There was a lot to learn in Civil and Tort Law but I congratulate myself for passing the module.
Mary Clarke
Course starting: October 2023
Review posted: November 2024
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