Join The Open University and IWM London for a day of fascinating Lectures and inspiring Creative Writing sessions.
The programme is as follows:
Morning Lecture Series, 10.30am-12.45pm (please arrive by 10.15am)
10.30am, Britain’s Home Front: “Unofficial” Art and Literature of the Second World War Kris Anderson, Associate Lecturer with The Open University and Oxford University We’re all familiar with Churchill’s speeches and “Blitz spirit”, but this talk will introduce the many wartime writers and artists who rejected or subverted optimistic propaganda, instead presenting much darker, more personal, and more challenging visions of Britain at war.
11.15am, Anglo-French Alliances in the two World Wars Alison Appleby, Associate Lecturer with The Open University This talk will explore the ways in which Britain and France experienced and remembered the two world wars, looking at how they endeavoured to work in alliance, the problems that arose and some of the outcomes.
12.00pm, World War Two, The Dutch Resistance, A Personal Story Lynda Morgan, Published Poet and Associate Lecturer with The Open University The story of one of the few Dutch women survivors of Ravensbruck concentration camp and her prior involvement with the Dutch Resistance. The talk explores her story and the process of working with her on her memoirs.
Lunch Break, 12.45pm-2.00pm Please note, this is a free event and lunch is not provided. You may wish to use the Imperial War Museum's cafe, bring your own lunch or visit a local cafe.
Afternoon Lecture Series, 2.00pm-4.15pm
2.00pm, The Origins of the First World War Annika Mombauer, Senior Lecturer in The Open University’s History Department Was the war an accident, or was it design? This talk will offer an interpretation of the war guilt question based on primary sources and speculate about the possibilities of some different outcomes.
2.45pm, Poetry After the Holocaust Peter Lawson, Published Poet and Associate Lecturer with The Open University Theodor Adorno famously pronounced that ‘to write lyric poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric’. This talk argues that British poetry and American poetry were transformed in the wake of European genocide.
3.30pm, Shades of Grey: visual representations of the World Wars Katy Layton-Jones, Lecturer in History with the University of Leicester, Historian for English Heritage and Associate Lecturer with The Open University An introduction to the ways that modern warfare is visually represented and how this increasingly shapes our understanding of the past. This talk will explore the ways in which aesthetic choices can reshape historical narratives, and the serious consequences that this may have for the future.
4.15pm, End
Creative Writing Sessions Please note: Places will be extremely limited for these sessions.
10.30am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-4.30pm, Metaphors of War (please note, 2.00pm session sold out) Mark Ellis, Published Writer and Associate Lecturer with The Open University This workshop will explore the ways in which the themes and symbolism of war can be applied in a wider context. Participants will be encouraged to explore their own understanding of these concepts and interpret these through their writing practice into narratives that are located in non-war settings.
10.30am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-4.30pm, Wartime Stories: Pictures into Words (please note, 2.00pm session sold out)
Lane Ashfeldt, Published Writer and Associate Lecturer with The Open University Drawing on the 2012 Wartime Posters Calendar and the Imperial War Museum's art collections, this workshop will facilitate attendees towards writing a day in the life of someone who lived through World War II.
Open University Tutors If you or anyone you know is thinking about starting University in September 2012, Open University tutors will be available all day to answer your questions about courses, study methods and other aspects about learning with the OU.
IWM London Activities
IWM London will be running the following activities on a drop-in basis. You do not need to book for these in advance.
11.30am and 2.30pm, Introduction to the Holocaust This free family session is a useful starting point for families who wish to learn more about the Holocaust, before visiting IWM London’s free permanent exhibition. Using replica artefacts, simple definitions will be discussed and your questions will be considered. This session is suitable for children aged 11 years and above but please note that the Holocaust exhibition is recommended for children aged 14 years and above.
11.00am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-4.00pm, Build the Truce – Family Activity Take part in a series of interactive storytelling activities and creative art and writing sessions based on the theme of global truce – looking at why wars happen and how they are brought to an end. Free drop-in activities for all ages with parental supervision.
Booking Information
We are no longer taking bookings for this event. If you have not booked you are still welcome to attend - there are limited places available on a first-come, first served basis for the 10.30am and 2.00pm lecture series, and 10.30am creative writing sessions. You are also welcome to take part in IWM London's drop in activities. |